Friday, December 7, 2012

cnn Twisted tales of the _384

Secret big businessman is not strange at .relationresultYang Zheng continued: actually mentioned in the auction where I have seen you . , relationresultSnowthat surprised : where are you ,I can you .
, relationresultI am behind sitting in the corner ,that dick didn bore you . , relationresultKid?Snow thought agile ,will soon auction hall met Michelle associate ,this is really shocked : the little girl .
.. ... Hard. Don ... ... You ... ... Daughter ... ... , relationresultYang Zhengrubbed his forehead ,slightly smile: want to go ,but is she really like my daughter a kind ,there is no doubt .
, relationresultOh.Snow heart Meilai you felt relaxed .relationresultSuddenlyremembering something, Ayuki face a strange look : brother ,now you see me ,should also know that there was in me ,the single sister .
.. ... , relationresultYang Zhengon the cup body gently mill drive ,eye also reveals a complex expression : I know what you want to say ... ... But ,you know ,my identity should be kept confidential ,Mo ice clouds .
.. ... She is the Cang Royal Princess ,google,for whatever consideration ,we still don meet a good ... ... , relationresultThe single sister she will be confidential , Ashley anxious : for three years ,no one more than I know her heart is lonely, she is waiting for you, waiting .
, relationresultYang Zheng was silent.relationresultHe stood up,walked to the pavilion side ,from a height overlooking from less than a kilometre, broad ,Lan Menghai is in sight ,such as sapphire shine bright ,breeze ,with the taste of the sea .
relationresultAshleysoundless and stirless came to him ,on his side, as he generally overlooking the sea .relationresultKid, why I come back ? , relationresultLikesnow quiet waiting for him to say it .
relationresultI never as wonderful as you think ,even I am selfish ,to their obsession ,do a lot of harm to others, such as you ,I was silent on the left, if not for today, see you, I do not think he will give you much harm ,even I have always thought you would forget me .
I always stand on our own point of view ,although the blameless ,because it is the freedom of personal choice, but to see you cry for me ,I feel I do is simply not good enough ,kid, do you trust me ? , relationresultI will always trust you ,brother ,though I don happened to you many things ,but I know that three years ago you every day you live in torment ,every day you live very hard, so now that you live news ,I only happy for you ,to see you now ,and I am glad, you look much more cheerful than three years ago ,so ,really don care about my feeling ,and you live happy .
, relationresultFool.Yang Zheng could not help with hand hold snow shoulder .relationresultLook at herpale golden eyes ,Yang Zheng sighed : kid, I promise you ,would not it is without rhyme or reason.
Left, three years, I think a lot, I really lost a lot, but I get too many, just because I am too ,too stubborn, only to see I get think constantly of ,I lost . , relationresultSnowwatching him for a long time, suddenly one step forward ,around Yang Zheng put your head on his chest brother :I am glad you say so ,I know you were always a good man .
, relationresultSuddenly,Yang Zheng lightly let go of snow ,landed in the south, wry smile : your sister is really do not trust you . , relationresultSnowfroze a moment ,and after a while, her face also appears a surprised : is over ,she comes .
, relationresultBrother ,you meet her, she is really hard . A Xue looked at Yang Zheng .Look ,they pray for more than three years ,she has been with Mo Bingyun ,similarly afflicted people pity each other.
Feeling even over two people love the same man awkwardness, their emotion is perhaps the most strange ,so there is no rival between hostile .relationresultYangNingmei slightly ,if in accordance with the security perspective ,now see Mo Bingyun doesn fit .
relationresultThe fifteenthepisode of the fourth chapter of Bing Yun , relationresultUpdate: 2009-1-813:36:14 chapter number :3519 , relationresultTheNingmei slightly ,cnn,if in accordance with the security perspective ,see right now is .
relationresultShe andsnow are not the same, she is Cang country princess ,and Yang and her feelings without intersecting ,from opposition and lifting the antagonism between him and her ,not mistaken, but not so close ,he knows that Mo Bingyun loves him, but for three years ,this kind of love is also larger than Mo Bingyun about their own country loyalty ?relationresultEven ifnot ice clouds will not betray him ,but as long as an inadvertent disclosure ,brings is very serious consequences ,Cang now is still the first powerful nation South mainland ,Yang Zheng temporarily can not challenge its capital .
relationresultBrother ,don hard-hearted, but clouds sister more painful than I was always to be sandwiched between you ,and between countries, for three years ,she even to you at the detachment of royal ,this is not enough ?You can her ,I beg you ,brother .
.. ... Like snow and Yang Zheng look know Yang may be avoided ,while clutching his arm and wouldn .relationresultA distantred shadow is with plunder .relationresultLook at hercloser, Yang Zheng annoyed, relative to the possible leakage of the identity of the danger ,he didn her more reason is actually he doesn her .
relationresultIf Mo Bingyunreally loves him .relationresultHetakes what go to respond, again with a cold refusal to let her sad ?relationresultLetyour heart in her friend .relationresultTheVentura Marquis and a number of Taoyuan soldiers also have the induction ,stopped not ice clouds .
relationresultThe single sister ,here ! Snow suddenly shouted .relationresultyou ... ... Yang Zheng didn that snow .relationresultThesoldiers took in the stop is as easy as blowing off dust clouds ,she broke out .
Out in the yard .relationresultYang Zheng knew thatthis could not escape ,he cried : the sea of Tula ,let her come in ,both of you out . , relationresultMoice clouds looked down and saw the induction of direct ,building top .
.. ... The two figure ,her figure megaseism ,almost unbelievable .relationresultYang Zheng looked at her,she also looked at Yang zheng .relationresultA few yearsdo not see each other ,one are still clear .
relationresultSnowlight disturbed .From the roof flew down ,landed in a tree above the foot of bamboo ,gently ,the man fell in beside Mo Bingyun .She took Mo Bingyun .Some tough the stubborn pride princess three pulled into the small building .
relationresultStep,step ,step .relationresultEvery stepis so long ,each step MOE clouds heart upsurges again a myriad of complex emotions .relationresultThreeyears of waiting .She miss him,Facebook, miss him, the night would dream of him .
relationresultHowever,this feeling is a person of her .She really see him, she found out that ,suddenly those strong thoughts are more .relationresultShe didnlike the snow as free leap into each other .
Let him strong hug to melt .She does not know how to face him .Because she never get too emotional response .She was the only sweet memories is the fire lotus in the mountains of the difficult journey to flee .
relationresultAnd thatjust the .relationresultProud Mo Bingyunhow is it possible for a man to his expressed emotion ChangLou heart .relationresultTherefore,embarked on building top .Her face to face with the man .
relationresultLong silence.relationresultYang Zheng felt himselfa man should take the initiative ,he was very gentle greeting : Hi ,long time no see ,ice clouds . , relationresultMo Bingyun looked Related articles:

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